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Tetun Translator for iOS and Android

Translate Tetun in a Snap!

Traveling in Timor-Leste? Just snap and translate street signs, menus, and more. Translate between Tetun, English, Portuguese and Indonesian, just like Google translate. Powered by ChatGPT technology.

Photo to Text

Just snap and translate! Instantly decipher text from photos, be it street signs, menus, or book pages.

Voice to Text

Speak and get translations in real-time. Perfect for conversations, questions, or getting directions.

Premium Features

Elevate Your Experience.

GPT-4 Enhanced with Glossary Terms: Our translations are not just powered by the revolutionary GPT-4 – they’re enhanced. By integrating tailored glossaries, we ensure a deeper understanding, capturing the unique intricacies of Timor-Leste’s linguistic landscape better than standard GPT models. Experience translations that resonate with the cultural essence of Timor-Leste.

Unlimited Translations: Break the language barriers without limits. Dive into Tetun literature, navigate business dealings, or engage in casual chats freely and without restrictions.

Larger Context Understanding: Languages like Tetun and Fataluku are rich in nuances. With our technology, we ensure that the context is preserved, making translations more meaningful and accurate.

Exclusive Access: Your subscription doesn’t just unlock superior translations. It’s your key to exclusive features, tailored Timorese glossaries, and special perks available only to our valued subscribers.

Embark on a linguistic journey in Timor-Leste with Premium Access!

Pricing & Plans

Monthly Plan

3 Days for free then $4.95 / Month
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  • GPT-4 Enhanced Translations
  • Unlimited Translation Access
  • Priority Support

Yearly Member

3 Days for free then $49.95 / Year
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  • GPT-4 Enhanced Translations
  • Unlimited Translation Access
  • Priority Support
Tetun Translator